Case Histories

Our customers stories.

Flump (2)

1 min read

Manchester Water Works

"We would like to thank you for your wonderful FLUMP. We have been dealing with our wet sludge lagoon for many years and have not always been totally...

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2 min read

Hanahan Waster Treatment Plant

Application: Solids removal from primary settling basins, Kenneth A. Dorr, Assistant Superintendent

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1 min read

Flump in Mali, West Africa

SRS Crisafulli manufactured a stainless steel 4" Severe Duty FLUMP dredge system for Societe des Mines de Syama's gold mine in Mali, West Africa. The...

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1 min read

Harlem, MT WWTP uses FLUMP

Excessive lagoon sludge accumulation contributes to the poor performance of any treatment system. Removing sludge from lagoon cells improves...

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