SRS Crisafulli is about providing customers with BEST VALUE by designing, building, and marketing pioneering electro-mechanical-hydraulic systems for industry; by building advanced, better-performing systems; about pushing the envelope of technology in each of our product groups; about adventure, challenge, achievement, and contribution.
Core Values
We are responsible to our customers, and all others who use our products. Our products must always be of the highest quality. We constantly strive to reduce the cost of these products while seeking to provide our customers with the best value available in the marketplace. We are committed to providing customers with prompt deliveries and efficient and courteous service.
We endeavor to establish conditions where persons can become united with a firm spirit of teamwork and can develop and demonstrate their abilities and skills, express their ideas, assume responsibility, and are treated with civility, dignity and respect. We place our main emphasis on ability, performance, and personal character.
We seek excellence in our communications and integrity in all our dealings.
We shall market our products and services nationally and internationally.
We are responsible to those who work with us, the men and women in our plants and offices. We seek to provide stable employment, wages that are fair and adequate, reasonable hours, and clean, and orderly working conditions. We offer employees an organized system for suggestions and complaints. We strive to offer qualified persons opportunities for training and advancement.
Our executives, department heads, and supervisors must be qualified and fair-minded, persons of talent, education, experience, and ability. They must be persons of common sense and understanding.
We strive to be a responsible corporate citizen - support good works and charity, and bear our fair share of taxes, participate in promotion of civic improvement, and acquaint the community with our activities. We must maintain in good order the property we are privileged to use.
We are responsible to our stockholders. Our Company must make a sound profit. Reserves must be created; research must be carried on, adventurous programs developed, and mistakes paid for. Adverse times must be provided for, new machines purchased, new plants built, new products launched, and new sales plans developed. We must experiment with new ideas.
We are determined to fulfill these obligations to the best of our ability.
SRS Crisafulli is a domestic company that ships nationally and internationally. Over 6,000 customers, large and small, throughout the United States and in 35 countries have purchased our products. SRS Crisafulli engineers, manufactures, sells, and services versatile high capacity pumps, dredges, power units, accessories, and spare parts, in both standard and custom configurations, to customers in five market segments. SRS Crisafulli products are used in a wide variety of applications including transfer of fluids in large volumes, from clear water to slurries with high concentrations of solids in solution, and dredging of municipal and industrial wastes, including toxic and non-toxic materials.
Over fifty years, SRS Crisafulli has earned a reputation for building reliable, high-value products supported by superior service, and leadership in its product groups.
Three brothers - Angelo, Frank, and Joe Crisafulli - founded the Company in 1966 in Glendive, Montana, which is still operations headquarters. The original product was a patented double suction impeller used in high capacity pumps to irrigate family farms along Montana’s Yellowstone River. The original pumps, sometimes referred to as PTO trailer pumps (for power take off), are still active in the product line.
In 1982, Dick Memhard, through his firm, Memhard Investment Bankers, organized an investor group to buy the business. Since 1982, SRS Crisafulli has grown approximately six fold, broadened and improved its product line, developed a professional management team and the various systems required to function in today’s competitive international markets.
Founded with the technology of cutting, bending, and welding flat steel into finished products, SRS Crisafulli began life as a fabricator. Fabrication of steel remains SRS Crisafulli's core manufacturing process, supported by engineering and assembly of complex electro/hydraulic systems, and the use of computers and modern software in the design process.
SRS Crisafulli’s engineering and manufacturing technologies enable the Company to build an exceptionally broad product line and to customize products for customers.
As of 2018, we have sold our pumps, portable dredges, and power units in Australia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Egypt, France, (French) New Guinea, Haiti, Hungary, Jamaica, Japan, South Korea, Laos (Lao PDR), Malaysia, Mali, Mexico, New Zealand, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Puerto Rico, Russia (Siberia), Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Thailand, United States, and Venezuela.
A 50 year tradition. Reliable is rooted in the Crisafulli philosophy going back to the Company’s beginning when three Crisafulli brothers started Crisafulli Pump Company to build pumps to irrigate their own farms and ranches along the Yellowstone River in Eastern Montana. Naturally, building pumps for themselves, reliability was their priority. Today, that attitude is imbued in Company personnel in all parts of the business. Building reliable products is second nature for the Crisafulli staff.
Practical backgrounds. Many Company engineering and manufacturing personnel grew up on the farms and ranches of Montana and Wyoming where working outdoors with heavy machinery is a way of life. These men and women have to depend on their machinery in the field for their personal safety and to enable them to get their day’s work done before sunset.
Long-service staff. Low turnover and many long-service employees help sustain the Company’s emphasis on building reliable products. In the shop, 70% of the staff has more than ten years of service, including the Shop Foreman who has thirty years of service. Our former Sales Manager had twenty-six years of service before her recent retirement.
Graduate engineers on staff. The Company employs graduate engineers in sales, engineering, and manufacturing. These engineers are trained to design, build, and sell reliable products.
Established product line. Many of the Company’s products have been active in the product line for years. The Company refines and improves these products continuously, always seeking to provide customer with “Best Value.” Reliability is a big part of the value equation at Crisafulli.
Established supply chain. SRS Crisafulli has well established supply lines with vendors thoroughly familiar with our requirements.
Established procedures. For years, we have had carefully crafted procedures aimed at building products to plans and specifications drawn by professional engineers.
Strong financial position. A strong financial position enables Crisafulli to operate in a stable atmosphere with an absence of crisis. We can and do focus on quality and attention to detail.
Modest warranty costs. The Company’s modest annual warranty cost is evidence of the success of Crisafulli’s focus on building reliable products.
Trained and motivated staff. Crisafulli’s service equation starts with trained employees who know the product line, understand the customers’ applications, and who have a strong desire to provide superior service. We send sales, technical, and service personnel anywhere in the world to support a customer who has purchased a Crisafulli FLUMP or Rotomite dredge or a major custom installation of hydraulic submersible, or vertical pumps.
Specialized solutions for five decades. In its fifth decade of designing and manufacturing specialized dredging and pumping systems, Crisafulli combines proven and innovative technology to meet the increasingly complex needs of its municipal and industrial customers.
Worldwide sales organization. Crisafulli supplements its sales staff with (a) a network of independent representative firms (Reps) who cover the municipal and industrial market segments in the US and in 38 other countries; (b) an agricultural dealer network in the US and Canada; and (c) a network of dealers who serve municipal and industrial markets in the US and Canada.
Individualized service from conception to completion. Since Crisafulli equipment sales often involve customized versions of standard products, we employ graduate engineers in the Sales and Service Department in Glendive, Montana, who interact with customers technical personnel and consulting engineers.
O & M Manuals. Crisafulli provides each customer with one or more Operations and Maintenance Manuals (the O & M Manuals) upon shipment of the order.
On-site technical and training support. Crisafulli provides technical and engineering support at the customer’s site worldwide to facilitate installation of Crisafulli products and to train the customer’s staff in the operation and maintenance of the equipment.
One year warranty. The Crisafulli Warranty provides a one year guaranty as spelled out in the Warranty. When Crisafulli accepts a warranty claim Crisafulli solves the problem promptly at the customer’s site, or by an authorized dealer, or, if necessary, in Glendive, Montana.
General Brochure
Brief overview of SRS Crisafulli products
Municipal Managers
Overview of all Crisafulli products commonly used in municipal applications
Mining Industry
Pumping and dredging solutions for the mining industry
Rendering Industry
Providing cost effective dredging and pumping solutions for the U.S. Food Processing industry
Rural Water Industry
Rural Water Dredging Resources
Trailer Mounted Pumps
Trailer Pump Brochure
It's easy to use a SRS Crisafulli Trailer Pump
PTO Powered Slurry Pumps
Just back your SRS Crisafulli Slurry Trailer Pump into your lagoon.
Vertical Pumps
Our vertical pumps get to the bottom of your problem.
Submersible Pumps
Submersible Hydraulic Pumps
Our hydraulic pumps handle the industrial strength jobs.
Submersible Electric Pumps
All models available with optional slurry gate.
Floating Pumps/Platforms
A floating solution to a variety of applications which require reliable, efficient means of supporting floating pumps.
Crisafulli's Rotomite-6000 CD provides increased dredging and flow capacity and will dredge highly abrasive slurries - including sand!
Rotomite-6000 Dredge
Contractors, Municipal and Industrial Facilities Managers remove settled solids faster and more easily than ever with Crisafulli's Rotomite-6000 dredge.
FLUMP and RDF Dredge Brochure;
Remote Controlled Dredge
Rotomite SD-110 Dredge
The world's lightest, high production, shallow draft manned dredge
Floating Discharge Guidelines
To carry the dredged sludge from the dredge to the designated disposal site, typically on land, the Crisafulli Dredge uses Crisafulli Integral Floating Discharge Line.
Our Standards - Six Measures of Performance. As a manufacturer of dredges, pumps, and portable power units, SRS Crisafulli, Inc. strives to operate to well-defined standards focused on providing customers with "Best Value." The standards with regard to products include: (a) competitive pricing; (b) reliable products; (c) superior service worldwide; (d) low ongoing operating costs; (e) competitive or leading technology; and (f) competitive or leading product features and benefits. SRS Crisafulli has an outstanding staff with depth in each function, unusual longevity, and low turnover. The Company has sustained for years a conservative financial position evidenced by excellent financial ratios.
Corporate Profile. Since 1966, we've helped customers solve their toughest pumping and dredging challenges. SRS Crisafulli customers choose from a broad line of high-performance SRS Crisafulli trailer, vertical, and submersible pumps, dredges, and power units, which have earned a reputation as rugged, dependable cost-effective material handling systems for a wide range of sludge, waste and water transfer applications. Our unique engineering and manufacturing capabilities enable us to customize our standard products to meet customer needs precisely.
We began as the Crisafulli Pump Company, Inc., founded in 1966 in Glendive, Montana USA. In 1993, our name became SRS Crisafulli, Inc. The SRS in our name reflects the company's commitment to the manufacture of high quality Sludge Removal Systems. Today, we manufacture and market pumping & dredging systems for water, wastewater, residuals, biosolids, sludge, hazardous wastes, slurries, sediment, fly ash, slimes, tailings, irrigation, stormwater runoff, tailwater reuse, and flood control. We problem-solve for our customers.