Dual Construction Company

Dual Construction Company
Automated, remote controlled, portable FLUMP can dredge & pump 80 cubic yards of solids per hour.
Cutterhead on Crisafulli 3-inch FLUMP

Ken Nelson, Dual Construction Company, Texarkana, Arkansas purchased a 3" Crisafulli FLUMP dredge in November 2004.

"A super product at a reasonable price."

In his customer satisfaction survey, Ken considered important these factors important or very: "product performance, features, price, warranty, and overall quality."

Ken went on to say these factors were very important to his buying decision... "knowledgeable and helpful Crisafulli sales person, Crisafulli's brand reputation, after-sale service and support, and his comparisons to products from alternative vendors."

Ken graded Crisafulli customer service as excellent - "employee friendliness and courtesy, product knowledge, ease of purchasing and ordering, and ease of payment."

Coal Fired Power Plant

Coal Fired Power Plant

Customer: U.S. Operating Services, Scrubgrass Generating Station.

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Rittman Paperboard Company

Rittman Paperboard Company

Steve Smith, Rittman Paperboard Company, Rittman, OH 44270-1573, said this about his November 2005 purchase of a Crisafulli 4" FLUMP.

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Four Flumps to Canada

Four Flumps to Canada

August 2007. A major Canadian mining company purchased four Crisafulli FLUMP dredges to replace their pond cleaning methods (manually hosing solids...

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