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Why Zambia? SRS Crisafulli Mine Dredges Provide Useful Options.

Why Zambia? SRS Crisafulli Mine Dredges Provide Useful Options.

African Growth and Opportunity Act, or AGOA Forum 2011, Lusaka, Zambia was an odd destination.  But that is where a Montana delegation of Small and Medium Enterprises, or "SMEs" went in early June, 2011.  The overarching goal of the AGOA Forum is to increase US - Africa trade volume.  Why would SRS Crisafulli participate?  SRS Crisafulli Dredges provide reliable and effective water management solutions to the mining industry in Africa.  Many African countries, including Zambia, are actively mining gold, copper and uranium, all of which need water management tools.  The Crisafulli dredges provide useful options for environmental managers at mines throughout the world.

Further, the classic Crisafulli trailer pumps, so useful to the US Army Corp of Engineers in dewatering US properties submerged in the Floods of 2011, may be of service to African growers managing water resources.

"I am excited to return to Zambia.  Next time I will visit the Zambian Copperbelt itself, take a helicopter ride over Victoria Falls, and go on a traditional safari.  In the meantime, I packed my bag with Zambian honey, and am buying imported South African wines from my neighborhood wine cellar," reports SRS Crisafulli attendee, President and CFO Laura M. Fleming.

Montanas in Lusaka, Zambia
Montanans in Lusaka, Zambia:  Laura M. Fleming, SRS Crisafulli, Inc.,  Joan Wadelton, diplomat, State Department, Africa Women's Entrepreneurship Program (AWEP) and Cora Neumann, Co-Director African First Ladies Fellowship Program, under the big tent at the conclusion of AGOA Forum.

"Greetings to my fellow travelers,"  Click here:  AGOA Zambia 2011 - Laura Fleming - Picasa Web Albums - some snapshots from the AGOA Forum.

Thanks to the support of the Montana World Trade Center and the Corporate Council on Africa:  Click here:  Montana World Trade Center Press Release

Congratulations to Secretary Clinton on her fine leadership: 


Congratulations on political stability, economic growth and an excellent outlook to the citizens of Zambia.  Click here:  Embassy of Zambia - Economy




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