1 min read

For $50,000, who wants to be a SRS Crisafulli Millionaire?

For $50,000, who wants to be a SRS Crisafulli Millionaire?

SRS Crisafulli's factory location is intriguing.  SRS Crisafulli is a dredge and pump manufacturer with a factory in land-locked Eastern Montana.  "Glendive, Montana is a unique and very rural community" says SRS Crisafulli President/CFO, Laura M. Fleming. "Glendive is about as far off the beaten track as can be found in modern America. We had two visitors from Israel this week, and sent them home with special stories about Eastern Montana."SRS Crisafulli Factory Employees

"Good People Surrounded by Badlands" is a phrase promoted by the Glendive Chamber of Commerce.  "It was even a $50,000 question on Who Wants to be a Millionaire" adds Ms. Fleming.

"When I present at public speaking events, I use the phrase:  'The River is our Teacher.'  The Yellowstone River and the unique terrain in Eastern Montana created the Company - and vice versa - the people who homesteaded in this area developed unique irrigation methods and technology.  The landscape contributes to the DNA of SRS Crisafulli" says Ms. Fleming.

Photojounalist Lynn Donaldson has visited the Glendive and the SRS Crisafulli factory on several occasions.  "You may visit Lynn's Montana blog at www.placesbetweenspaces.com where you will get a taste of real Montana", says SRS Crisafulli Sales Manager Maureen Lundman.

Yellowstone River at Glendive

The 28 year SRS Crisafulli veteran employee, Ms. Lundman, says "Glendive, our 'City by the Yellowstone', offers unrivalled scenery.  The mighty Yellowstone River bisects the town.  We're always watching the river."

Makoshika State Park

"Glendive is bordered by the rugged and majestic Makoshika State Park. Makoshika (Ma-ko'-shi-ka) is a variant of a Lakota phrase meaning land of bad spirits or badlands."

"Glendive is a warm & welcoming community, and a great place to live--with an excellent school system, a 2-year college, state-of-the-art medical facilities, fantastic hunting, fishing and recreation, as well as a good share of the fine arts available locally."

"SRS Crisafulli employees count themselves as fortunate to live under Montana's Big Sky!" comments Ms. Lundman.  

For additional background about Glendive, please visit:  www.glendivechamber.com

For additional information about Makoshika State Park, please visit:  www.makoshika.org

For a taste of real Montana, please visit Photojournalist Lynn Donaldson's blog:  www.placesbetweenspaces.com

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