1 min read

Sand and Gravel Producer

Sand and Gravel Producer

Type of Facility: Sand & gravel producer

P.W. Gillibrand owns and operates an Automated Radio Remote Controlled FLUMP™ Sludge Removal System manufactured by SRS Crisafulli. The dredge is used primarily in the manual mode as the duty cycle duration required was not nearly as long as was anticipated by the customer. The operation is from a shore based control panel. The dredge is used to remove silt from a settling pond in a sand & gravel supply operation, which includes washing the product. Material is natural sand and gravel that is pumped out of a basin to maintain volume within the basin for settling purposes. The system was manufactured out of A36 carbon steel with abrasion resistant components as required in high wear areas. A hardwired remote control located on shore to the dredge was used. Automated features include dredge travel speed and positioning of the dredge on the lagoon.

Customer: P. W. Gillibrand.

Contact: Tom Robertson

Pigment Plant

1 min read

Pigment Plant

February 1996. Mearl Corporation owns and operates an Automated FLUMP™ System manufactured by SRS Crisafulli. Operation is from shore based control...

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Hanahan Waster Treatment Plant

Hanahan Waster Treatment Plant

Application: Solids removal from primary settling basins, Kenneth A. Dorr, Assistant Superintendent

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Manchester Water Works

Manchester Water Works

"We would like to thank you for your wonderful FLUMP. We have been dealing with our wet sludge lagoon for many years and have not always been totally...

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