One Thing Leads to Another, by SRS Crisafulli's Laura Fleming
By Laura M. Fleming, SRS Crisafulli CFO and President
1 min read
Elizabeth Kaiser : Wed, Apr 18, 2012 @ 08:04 AM
By Elizabeth Kaiser, SRS Crisafulli Marketing Manager
Residents of Eastern Montana and Western North Dakota are fortunate to have access to many natural resources.
Paddlefishing on the Yellowstone River with SRS Crisafulli employees |
Outdoor recreation is a popular past time here, with fishing at the top of the list. Ask many residents here what kind of fish have they caught or what tool(s) they used to catch their trophy and their answers will become enthusiastic tales of "Well, there was that time when..."
There is another natural resource here that is quickly forming the base of a booming industry - oil, and if you pose the same fishing questions to members of that industry you will receive completely different answers. 'Fishing' in the oil and gas industry is a necessary activity, requiring specialized fishing tools and trained tool operators.
What does 'fishing' mean in the oil and gas industry? The Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) defines fishing as: the procedure of recovering lost or stuck equipment in the wellbore. Lost or stuck equipment can be anything from a piece of scrap metal to a part of the drill stem, and must be recovered before work can proceed.
Because the type of 'fish' varies so much likewise the fishing-tool varies greatly as well. For example cutters (tools used to separate portions of the 'fish') might be knives, chemicals or explosives. The many types of fishing tools also include:
Download National Oilwell Varco Fishing Tool brochure |
To see more fishing tools, National Oilwell Varco has published an extensive list of their various fishing tools.
Learn more about oil and gas regulation in North Dakota, North Dakota Oil and Gas Division, and in Montana, DNRC Montana Board of Oil and Gas .
Learn more about Crisafulli's FLUMP dredge for industrial applications.
By Laura M. Fleming, SRS Crisafulli CFO and President
SRS Crisafulli is a fan of the Miss Montana Scholarship Program. Glendive Montana is the home of the SRS Crisafulli factory as well as the Miss...
By Laura M. Fleming, SRS Crisafulli CFO and President